Today is World Down Syndrome Day and to celebrate that, I didn't know a better way to celebrate than to share the parenthood journey of two amazing parents. They have six kids, one who is the most joyful little guy I've ever met and also has Down Syndrome. As a reminder, this year I am sharing more about the parenthood journeys of some of my clients, which started by sharing my own journey. So, read on to learn more about this amazing family and see how much joy this family radiates in their images.

Tell me a little bit about your family.

Hello! We are a family of eight, six kids twelve years to three years of age. I’m a Phoenix native and Tom, my husband was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. Almost fifteen years ago Tom bought a 1940’s authentic adobe home and that’s where our family's cooking adventures started. Our family hobby is cooking and we enjoy sharing our meals with family and friends. Our kids will remember tamales steaming in the middle of the night, hand rolling dough for ravioli, and sticky Chinese barbecue pork warm out of the oven.  

Tell us more about Felix. What’s it like being a mama to a child with Down syndrome? Whats the best and hardest part?

Felix is our fourth child who gives the most exceptional hugs. He is fun, adventurous, a joy to be around. He also has Down syndrome and it may surprise some but we love that about him. Being his mama is a JOY and I most love how he interacts with his siblings. That’s the best part of raising Felix, he brings a lot of awareness about differences to our family. I would like to think that we were a kind family before Felix but adding Felix to the mix has really transformed what kindness means. It’s very much about taking our time to get to know a person. The most challenging part of raising a child with Down Syndrome is surprisingly the little expectations people have of him because he has Down Syndrome. It’s challenging to convince the world sometimes that we should dream with him. Better yet, we should have high expectations of them. I don’t mean make them “more normal” I mean celebrate accomplishments no matter how small, and part of this is accepting that he has so much to offer in friendship, as a classmate, a patient, a sibling, a son. As a mom I get a lot of “Felix Homework” that comes in therapies, practices and scheduling appointments. That’s my least favorite part of having a child with additional needs. 

What would you say to any other parents who have kids with Down syndrome? What about advice to parents/people who are unfamiliar with down syndrome?

If you have a family member or friend with Down Syndrome in your inner circle you already know how much fuller your life is because of them. I don’t mean this for just Down Syndrome but anyone that has exceptional needs that steps into your life brings with them a newness to the mundane world. It’s a wonderful place that many of us don’t travel to, because we are afraid, don’t know how to connect or it just seems so bizarre. If you’ve never met someone with Down syndrome make an effort to connect with local groups. There are so many ways to volunteer. A person who has Down Syndrome is just that, a person, you might have a lot in common! We knew nothing about Down Syndrome until after Felix was born. It was weeks of emotions both happy and sad. If you know anyone who just found out they are having a child with Down Syndrome I’d love to connect with them and I can be reached on his Instagram page.

If you could give parents only one piece of advice, what would it be?

As a parent I think one of our main jobs is to create kind human beings. My seven year old recently said that if she was President she would 1) make everyone happy 2) give money to poor and 3) buy a home for the poor. That made my heart swell up more than 100% on a spelling test.

One thing my other clients are curious to know from parents: what has been an absolute fav product (or toy) in your household?

My absolute favorite toy in our household is either a toy my dad makes the kids or widgets! Widgets are so fun for all ages.

How can other parents support kids with Down Syndrome?

I would love for you to write a letter to your local school. Tell them you know a mom who has a child with Down Syndrome and he gets to go to school with all his siblings. Tell them that children with exceptional needs deserve to interact with their peers. If letter writing isn’t your jam, log on to Instagram and follow someone with exceptional needs, learn about their story. If financial means are available to you I highly suggest donating to the Matthew 9:14 Project. It’s a Non-profit organization that supports inclusive education in Catholic schools. 

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